The Sound of Silence

How do you capture the power of silence? The way that its simultaneously suffocating and emancipating. The way that your own awareness seems to close in around you, while at the same time reaches beyond boundaries you didn’t know you had. Suddenly confronted with the microcosmic expression of your divine self, the walls separating your physical body and the matrix it exists in, seem to dissolve. Send your tendrils of awareness searching past your immediate space, and you can feel the pulse of the universe. Like a psychedelic mushroom trip, you can be aware of your own awareness. A sweeping consciousness, taking in the great expanse surrounding you, while maintaining a tether to your inner core.

For once, Time is not your enemy, and you realize it takes its cues from you. Every breath lasts an eternity and our physical form vibrates just outside perception. Relax into the undulations of your diaphragm, sink into the edges of your skin. Supported in primordial goo, you can fade into the ether, until you choose to return. This is the power of silence, allowing us to harness all the energy normally stolen by our senses. Suddenly the bent spoon scene in THE MATRIX makes total sense.

In the silence, you realize just how easily your energy escapes. Leaking out like water in cupped hands, rivulets streaming down your wrists to no avail. Without presence and direction, its nothing but a waste. How good it feels to keep it to yourself. Taking time to bask in the magic of a full cup. So easy to ignore the slow leak: Alarm clock sounds - scroll through social, feed the kids, morning chit chat, walk the dog, daily commute. You’re half empty before the day has even begun. So many distractions: Advertisements, spam calls, background music, text messages, each one taking another bite out of your energetic pizza. What if they could all just shut up?

A curated existence, set apart from the norm. Quiet mornings, in places absent of sound. Romantic it sounds, necessary it is, unrealistic for most. How do we blend this superpower of silence with our karma of the daily world?

This is our work, should we choose it. Blending the mundane with the magical, bringing the power of silence to the chaos of the everyday. 

Retreating into 5 days of silence allowed me to experience the extent of my limitless mind. We don’t really need anything else, armed with the potential of our personal blank canvas. Removing the expectation of interruptions and instant replies, all the other social contracts just fell away. The silence was both a welcome refuge from the harassment of society, and a place of infinite possibility. What would my consciousness show me now that it had all the time in the world. Hello higher self, the room is yours.

The desert is the only other place I have felt such overwhelming peace. A place so silent that your ears nearly ache from trying to catch a sound. The weight of the Earth beneath your feet, so dense and supportive, tempts you to burrow into its depths like a cocoon. Without the incessant background noise, its painfully obvious how much is continuously probing our inner world. And whether you’re ready or not, the silence causes you to confront the ceaseless chatter of your own mind. Where does it all come from?

Can we go back to the breath? Back to the rhythmic wave of our inhale and exhale - our link to the physical form. Here we are -but, where do we go when we allow the silence to engulf our sense of self?


Chicken Soup for the Ashtangi Soul


Christmas in July Part 1