September Astrology

  • Venus illuminates that which we love, and shines light on our values. The humility and practicality of Virgo helps us channel that energy into worthwhile projects that satisfy our souls and also our worldy needs.

  • Mercury retrograde, (or “the retch” as I call it) is a time for shadow work and stealth as things can be blown out of proportion and communication is often at its worst. When the persuasion and charm of Libra meets the chaotic energy of Mercury Retro we need to be alert. Caution and hesitation will get you past the Retch unscathed.

  • The sun moves into Libra on the Autumn Equinox and we welcome the first day of fall. Libra shows us how to find balance and harmony by treading lightly with our interactions. The peaceful vibe and unexpected frankness of Libra can create an air of aloofness and detachment. Be sure to use these qualities to find equanimity and not recklessness.

  • Full Moons are times of expansion and release. What have we cultivated over the last moon cycle that is now ready for completion? What do we need to let go of, or cash in on? Dreamy, imaginative Pisces allows us to dive deep into our creative sides, and explore our emotions. Perhaps we finally finish that house decoration project (hello sun in virgo), or finally allow ourselves to have that good cry.

  • New Moon, New Me! This is the motto for the Libra new moon. Libra likes to find balance, use this energy to figure out your work/life schedule and make some adjustments to suit your needs.