Yoga Sutra 1.5

vṛttayaḥ pañcatayyaḥ kliṣṭā’kliṣṭāḥ

The fluctuations of the mind are five-fold, and they can be painful or non-painful.

In Sutra 1.5, Patanjali begins to teach us how the mind works. He states that there are five different types of “fluctuations” or “modifications” (vrttis), of the mind. In other words, there are five different ways that the mind functions. These five categories can be painful or non-painful.

Although the language used here suggests duality -an “either or” scenario, the true meaning is not as black and white. In the next few sutras, Patanjali describes each of the five types of fluctuations and gives examples of each. In Sutra 1.5 we are only given an overview, and the warning that each of these categories can be painful or non-painful. This sutra is reminding us to be objective when viewing situations and scenarios. What we immediately perceive as joy, may actually lead to destruction. What we initially think of as harmful, may end up bringing us prosperity. Things are not always what they appear, and it is crucial that we keep an objective mind when analyzing our life and our situations.